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Get benchmarks API

The benchmarks API provides list of benchmark ids supported for given cloud account in Cloudneeti.

    GET https://<CLOUDNEETI API DOMAIN>/audit/license/<LICENSE ID>/account/<ACCOUNT ID>/benchmarks
Environment Values for Cloudneeti API domain

URI Parameters

Parameter Description Required/Optional
LICENSE ID Cloudneeti license id​ Required
ACCOUNT ID Cloud account id​ Required


Type Description Required/Optional
Bearer Token Account Token Required
Key Value
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key Cloudneeti API key generated


Name Type Description
result Object Cloudneeti cloud account supported benchmark list
statusCode Integer Cloudneeti API response status code
message String Response describing operation result as success or failed.

Sample Report

        "result": [
                "name": "CIS Azure Foundations Benchmark1.0.0",
                "benchmarkId": "AZFDCIS1_0_0"
                "name": "CIS Azure Foundations Benchmark1.1.0",
                "benchmarkId": "AZFDCIS1_1_0"
                "name": "PCI_DSS_3.2",
                "benchmarkId": "PCI3_2"
                "name": "General Data Protection Regulation",
                "benchmarkId": "GDPR2016_679"
                "name": "HIPAA Safeguards",
                "benchmarkId": "HIPAA"
                "name": "FFIEC",
                "benchmarkId": "FFIEC"
                "name": "NIST Cybersecurity Framework1.1",
                "benchmarkId": "NISTCSF1_1"
                "name": "NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4",
                "benchmarkId": "NIST800_53Rev4"
                "name": "CSA CCM V.3.0.1",
                "benchmarkId": "CSACCM3_0_1"
                "name": "ISO-IEC 27001-2013",
                "benchmarkId": "ISO27001_2013"
                "name": "Cloud Security Best Practices",
                "benchmarkId": "CSBP"
                "name": "UK NCSC",
                "benchmarkId": "UKNCSC"
                "name": "Reserve Bank of India",
                "benchmarkId": "RBI2015_16_418"
                "name": "SOC2 - AICPA TSC 2017",
                "benchmarkId": "SOC2_AICPA_TSC_2017"
                "name": "GxP Life Science 21 CFR PART 11",
                "benchmarkId": "GxP_Life_Science_21_CFR_PART_11"
                "name": "U-NNPI",
                "benchmarkId": "U_NNPI"
                "name": "CIS Azure Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Benchmark1.0.0",
                "benchmarkId": "AZMSWIN12R2CIS1_0_0"
                "name": "CIS Azure Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Benchmark1.0.0",
                "benchmarkId": "AZMSWIN16CIS1_0_0"
                "name": "CIS Azure Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS Benchmark v1.0.0",
                "benchmarkId": "AZLinux18CIS1_1_0"
                "name": "CIS Azure CentOS Linux 7 Benchmark v2.2.0",
                "benchmarkId": "AZCentOSCIS2_2_0"
                "name": "CIS Azure Microsoft Windows Server 2019 RTM Release 1809 Benchmark v1.1.0",
                "benchmarkId": "AZMSWIN19CIS1_0_0"
                "name": "CIS Azure Kubernetes Benchmark_v1.5.1",
                "benchmarkId": "AZKUBERNETES1_5_0"
                "name": "CIS Azure AKS Engine Kubernetes Benchmark_v1.5.1",
                "benchmarkId": "AZAKSEngineKUBERNETES1_5_0"
                "name": "CIS Azure AKS Kubernetes Benchmark_v1.5.1",
                "benchmarkId": "AZAKSKUBERNETES1_5_0"
                "name": "Test PB-3.01",
                "benchmarkId": "69c99ba4-79aa-4557-a6a0-002aee0b9320"
        "statusCode": 200,
        "message": "Request Successful"


Cloudneeti license and account details

Login to Cloudneeti portal as a License Admin.

  1. Navigate to Features and Quota​s under Configurations

  2. Copy License id and paste to notepad.

    License id

  1. Navigate to Cloud Accounts in Configurations

  2. Copy Cloud Account id and paste to notepad.

    Manage Accounts