Compliance Benchmarks

Compliance Benchmarks is referring to Cybersecurity Benchmarks, Laws and Regulations, and Industry Benchmarks. Security Policies available in the Cloudneeti application are mapped to compliance controls of different compliance benchmarks. One compliance control can have one or multiple security policies mapped to it.

The Cybersecurity Benchmarks, Laws and Regulations, Industry Benchmarks section on the left menu can be expanded to select the required benchmark view. Users can get access to views presenting pass/fail/warn status at a security policy level. Users are also provided access to resource level information, definitions of security policies, and remediation guidance.

  1. The benchmarks, laws and regulations area on the left menu can be expanded to select the required Cybersecurity Benchmark, Law and Regulations, Industry Benchmark.

  2. The upper left part of the view has charts for Current Posture and Policy Compliance Trends.

  3. The upper part of the security policies view has Filters for Category and Policy Status.

  4. Each Category presents a summary across all security policies within this category.

  5. The security policies view has a header with additional filters by Control Number and Security Policy Title. Individual security policies are mapped to the relevant Control Numbers of the benchmark. Compliance Benchmark

  6. Clicking on Security Policy line opens a window on the right side with additional details. The details window is identical to the one displayed in the Security Policies view.

  7. The upper part of the details window presents Summary & Recommendations, Audit Procedure and Remediation Procedure.

  8. The bottom part of the details windows presents security policy compliance status at an individual resource level. compliance Status