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Decommission Remediation Framework

To decommission the remediation functionality in AWS Account,

Disable all the remediation policies - AWS cloud account security policy remediation functionality can be disabled from Cloudneeti portal. On disabling the remediation policies stops the auto-remediation of new resources whenever deployed.

STEP 1 Disable Remediation policies

Login to Cloudneeti portal with License Admin role

  1. Select desired License and Account

  2. Click Configure

  3. Select Configure security policies

    Decommission of remediation

  4. Select Remediation Available in filter to see only the policies with remediation available. (1)

  5. Disable the policy remediation (2)

  6. Click Save (3)

    Decommission of remediation


  • The resource configuration updated during remediation will remain the same after disabling the remediation policies.

STEP 2 Disable AWS account Remediation

  1. Select desired License (1) and Cloud Account (2)

  2. Click Configure

  3. Select Configure Account Remediation

    Disable AWS account Remediation

  4. Disable Remediation (1)

  5. Save (2)

    Disable AWS account Remediation

  6. After successful change in the configuration policies enabled earlier will get deleted. In case remediation policies are to be enabled again then policies remediation needs to be reconfigured.

STEP 3 Delete deployment bucket

Delete remediation framework deployment bucket using AWS console.

  1. Login to AWS console

  2. Search for deployment bucket with name cn-rem-$env-$acc_sha having below tags

    S. No. Tag Name Tag Value
    1 aws:cloudformation:stack-name cn-rem-$env-$acc_sha >
    2 aws:cloudformation:logical-id S3Bucket
    3 Description Cloudneeti automatic remediation solution for making cloud resource compliant
    4 aws:cloudformation:stack-id arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-1:< AWSAccountID >:stack/cn-rem-$env-$acc_sha
    5 ServiceName auto-remediation-deployment-bucket
  3. Delete deployment bucket

STEP 4 Decommission Remediation framework

Decommission of remediation framework take place in two phases.

4.1 Remove remediation configuration of multi-account remediation

  1. Open bash terminal

  2. Clone the aws-remediation framework from the git

    git clone
  3. Go to remediation framework repository

    cd aws-auto-remediation/multi-mode-remediation
  4. Configure AWS account where remediation framework is to be deployed

    aws configure
  5. Remove remediation configuration of multi-account remediation

    bash -a <AWS-account-id> -p <primary-deployment-region> -e <Cloudneeti-environment-prefix> -s <list of regions from where the auto-remediation is to be decommissioned>

(-a) Account Id: 12-digit AWS account Id of the account for which you want to disable remediation

(-p) Primary AWS Region where main framework is deployed

(-e) Environment prefix: Enter any suitable prefix for your deployment

(-s) Secondary Region(s): List of region(s) from where the auto-remediation is to be decommissioned it should be in programmatic format e.g. us-east-1 or you can provide ‘all’ for all regions or ‘na’ if you do not want to decommission auto-remediation from other regions.

4.2 Remove remediation framework

  1. Open bash terminal

  2. Clone the aws-remediation framework from the git

    git clone
  3. Go to remediation framework repository

    cd aws-auto-remediation
  4. Configure AWS account where remediation framework is to be deployed

    aws configure
  5. Decommission remediation framework in AWS account

    bash -a <AWS-account-id> -p <primary-deployment-region> -e < Cloudneeti-environment-prefix> -s <list of regions from where the auto-remediation is to be decommissioned>

(-a) Account Id: 12-digit AWS account Id of the account where the remediation framework is deployed

(-p) Primary AWS Region where main framework is deployed

(-e) Environment prefix: Enter any suitable prefix for your deployment

(-s) Secondary Region(s): List of region(s) from where the auto-remediation is to be decommissioned it should be in programmatic format e.g. us-east-1 or you can provide ‘all’ for all regions or ‘na’ if you do not want to decommission auto-remediation from other regions.