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STEP 3: Grant access to Azure subscription additional roles

This step is optional

Azure custom role needs to be granted to the Cloudneeti App registered in the previous step with following permission.

  • Custom role with permission "Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action" for Azure Subscription level scope.

    • The Cloudneeti application needs "Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action" action present in Website Contributor role in order to collect authentication and authorization configuration of Web/API/Mobile/Function Apps which is hosted on the App Service Plan. The current subscription Reader role given doesn't have sufficient permissions to collect web site configuration details.

    • If the custom role with "Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action" is not assigned, Cloudneeti application will not be able to collect data of security policies listed here.

  • Custom role with permission "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action" for Azure Subscription level scope.

    • Cloudneeti needs "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action" action present in Storage Account Contributor role in order to collect metadata configuration of blobs. The current subscription Reader role given doesn't have sufficient permissions to list blob keys.

    • If the custom role with "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action" is not assigned, Cloudneeti application will not be able to collect data of security policies listed here.

3.1 Create custom role(s)

Azure customer role can be created using manual steps or using a JSON file. The following steps are done by Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner role.


  1. Go to the subscription’s Access control (IAM) in the menu
  2. Click Add custom role

    Assign role

  3. Enter Name

    Assign role

  4. Navigate to Permissions tab

    Assign role

  5. Select below permissions

    • Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action
    • Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action

    Assign role

  6. Add permission

    Assign role

  7. Review and create custom role

    Assign role

  8. Create

    Assign role

Using json file

  1. Launch Azure Cloudshell

    Assign role

  2. Use below command to create and edit file (1)

    code CSPM_Custom_Role.json
  3. Copy and paste below json file for CSPM custom role creation (2)

    Assign role

  4. Replace the GUID (1), subscription id(s) (2) and management group id.

    Assign role

    • 4.1 Generate GUID, can use below command in powershell

    • 4.2 JSON to create role at Subscription(s) level

          "Name": "CSPM Role",
          "Id": "<GUID>",
          "IsCustom": true,
          "Description": "Custom Role for website and storage policies.",
          "Actions": [
          "NotActions": [],
          "DataActions": [],
          "NotDataActions": [],
          "AssignableScopes": [
    • OR 4.2 JSON to create role at Azure management group level

          "Name": "CSPM Role",
          "Id": "<GUID>",
          "IsCustom": true,
          "Description": "Custom Role for website and storage policies.",
          "Actions": [
          "NotActions": [],
          "DataActions": [],
          "NotDataActions": [],
          "AssignableScopes": [
  5. Save (1) and Close (2) the editor within cloudshell

    Assign role

  6. Execute below command to create the role

    az role definition create --role-definition CSPM_Custom_Role.json

    Assign role

  7. verify the role created

    Assign role

3.2 Grant Azure Subscription custom role

This step is optional

  1. Go to the subscription’s Access control (IAM) in the menu
  2. Click Add and select Add role assignment
  3. Select Custom role created in above step and Cloudneeti application
  4. Click Save to complete the role assignment

    Assign role

Security Polices with required roles, permissions

The following Security Policies will be excluded if one or multiple roles are not assigned.

Permissions Number of Excluded Security Policies
Read All Microsoft Graph permissions 5
Reader role for Azure Subscription level scope. 0
Custom role with permission 'Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action' 11
Custom role with permission 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action' 1

Custom role with permission "Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action"

Custom role with permission "Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action" access is needed to collect data for security policies listed below.

Policy Title Category
Ensure that WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES parameter is not set to '*' for Mobile Apps Azure - Compute (PaaS and Serverless)
Ensure that WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES parameter is not set to '*' for API Apps Azure - Compute (PaaS and Serverless)
Ensure that WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES parameter is not set to '*' for Function Apps Azure - Compute (PaaS and Serverless)
Ensure that WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES parameter is not set to '*' for Web Apps Azure - Compute (PaaS and Serverless)
Ensure that 'App Service Authentication' is enabled for Function apps Azure - Compute (PaaS and Serverless)
Ensure that 'App Service Authentication' is enabled for API apps Azure - Compute (PaaS and Serverless)
Ensure that 'App Service Authentication' is enabled for Mobile apps Azure - Compute (PaaS and Serverless)
Ensure that 'App Service Authentication' is enabled for Web apps Azure - Compute (PaaS and Serverless)
Ensure that 'App Insights' are configured for Azure Mobile Apps Azure - Compute (PaaS and Serverless)
Ensure that 'App Insights' are configured for Azure Function Apps Azure - Compute (PaaS and Serverless)
Ensure that 'App Insights' are configured for Azure API Apps Azure - Compute (PaaS and Serverless)

Custom role with permission 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action'

Custom role with permission 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action' access is needed to collect data for security policies listed below.

Policy Title Category
Ensure that 'Public access level' is set to Private for Blob Containers Storage Accounts