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GCP Organization onboarding guide (Preview)

Onboarding Steps

Organization based on-boarding helps you to onboard single or all the projects at the start and it will help to onboard future projects which will be added within the Organization. Adding GCP Organization to CSPM needs organization level permissions.

GCP Organization

  1. Enable APIs on all the GCP projects present within organization To ingest data related to GCP services to the CSPM product, need to enable APIs listed here. In case required APIs are not enabled in GCP projects then CSPM will not be able to collect configuration data for respective services.

  2. Create a service account requires a service account with below mentioned viewer roles for collecting the resource configuration data. Here, you need to first create a service account at project level.

  3. Promote service account to organization level updating service account create with appropriate roles at organization level.

  4. Add GCP Organization includes adding GCP project information to the respective Cloud Account and waiting until the first data collection is complete.

S. No Step Performed By Portal
1 Enable GCP APIs GCP Admin GCP Console
2 Create a service account and assign roles GCP Admin GCP Console
3 Promote service account to organization level GCP Admin GCP Console
4 Add GCP Organization CSPM Admin CSPM Portal

STEP 1: Enable APIs on all the GCP projects present within organization

To ingest data related to GCP services to the CSPM product, you must enable below APIs. In case required APIs are not enabled in GCP projects then CSPM will not be able to collect configuration data for respective services.

To enable the APIs on GCP project follow below steps

  1. Login to GCP Console and Open GCP Cloud shell

    GCP Organization

  2. Execute below command to enable APIs

    gcloud services enable

    GCP Organization

  3. Open API and Services portal to verify API status

    GCP Organization

    GCP Organization

STEP 2: Create a service account

GCP organization onboarding to the CSPM requires a service account with below mentioned viewer roles for collecting the resource configuration data. Here, you need to first create a service account at project level and then it needs to be promoted to organization level.

Service account requires below roles on the GCP organization,

Role Type Details
Organization Viewer Built-In Read only access to view an organization
Folder Viewer Built-In Read only access to get a folder and list the folders
Project Viewer Built-In Read only access to resource metadata present in project
Cloud Asset Viewer Built-In Read only access to cloud assets metadata

Follow below steps to create, promote and assign roles to the service account at organization level.

  1. Go to Service Accounts present in the IAM & Admin menu.


    GCP Organization

  3. Input service account name and description and click on CREATE to proceed

    GCP Organization

  4. Click CONTINUE on the service account permissions screen

    GCP Organization

  5. Click on DONE on Grant user access to this service account to finish the service account creation.

  6. Click on the service account created during the previous step and create a Keys.

    Select Key type as JSON and click on CREATE to create a service account key.

    GCP Organization

  7. Service account key will get created and downloaded on your local machine.

    Store this JSON file in a secure location. This JSON file is used to perform onboarding in the CSPM.

    GCP Organization

  8. Search service account and copy the email id

    GCP Organization

STEP 3: Promote service account to organization level with appropriate roles

To promote the service account at organization level, follow below steps.

  1. Click on project dropdown on the top and select your organization

    GCP Organization

  2. Go to IAM & Admin menu from left navigation menu

  3. Click on IAM

  4. Click on ADD to add service account at organization level

  5. Fill the below information

    • New Members 🡪 Service account email copied in step 2
    • Role 🡪 Organization, Folder, Project and Cloud Asset Viewer
  6. Click on SAVE to finish.

    GCP Organization

  7. Verify and confirm the required roles on newly promoted service account

    GCP Organization

STEP 4: Add GCP Organization

To onboard GCP project on the CSPM Portal, you need to perform below steps in CSPM portal.

  1. Login to CSPM portal with license admin role

  2. Activate the license by clicking on Activate License.

    This step needs to be performed only once after license provisioning from the CSPM team.

  3. Select GCP connector type

    GCP Organization

  4. Enter Cloud Account Name to identify the project and select Onboard Using as Organization

    GCP Organization

  5. Click on Upload button to upload service account credentials file created in step 2.

    GCP Organization

  6. Select organization from the organization dropdown

  7. Select project from the Select Project dropdown which you want to onboard and click on Add Account button to add project to CSPM

    GCP Organization

  8. You will receive a confirmation that the GCP project has been added to CSPM

    GCP Organization

  9. CSPM takes 5-10 minutes to collect and process the configuration data in the backend before it can be displayed on dashboards. Click on Go To Dashboard to see collected data.

    GCP Organization

  10. Refer Annexure to check the Onboarding Health Status. It provides insights into the state of your cloud account onboarded in CSPM like completed pre-requisite permissions, configurations.