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STEP 4: Configuring Cloudneeti agent in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) (Optional)

This step is optional.

Cloudneeti includes CIS recommendations for EKS and EC2-instance hosted Kubernetes by deploying a Cloudneeti agent to Amazon Kubernetes Cluster. A docker container-based agent is deployed as a cronjob in Kubernetes cluster to collect data for additional security policies. Cloudneeti then provides out-of-box mappings for all 13+ compliance frameworks included in the product.

Deploying Cloudneeti agent on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) enables compliance monitoring of Kubernetes cluster for security policies listed here.


Activity Description
1. Workstation: Install AWS Command Line Interface To install AWS cli follow link AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services.
2. Workstation: Install and set up kubectl to execute PowerShell commands within Cloudneeti Agent configuration script Please follow link to install and set up kubectl
choco install kubernetes-cli
3. Workstation: Install and set up Helm 3.0 and higher to execute helm chart deployment commands Please follow link to install and set up Helm or install Helm using below commands
choco install kubernetes-helm
sudo apt-get install helm
4. Workstation: Add Cloudneeti Helm repo Add Cloudneeti Helm repo and verify using below commands, more details here
1 Add Cloudneeti Helm repo
helm repo add cloudneeti
2 Verify Helm repo addition
helm repo list
3 List available Cloudneeti helm charts
helm search repo cloudneeti -–versions

4.1: Associate Kubernetes cluster with Cloud account in Cloudneeti

Login to Cloudneeti portal with License Admin role

  1. Navigate to Configurations and Cloud Accounts

    Associate Kubernetes

  2. Expand AWS (1) section

  3. Click Configure Accounts (2) for the Cloud account where Kubernetes Cluster is to be associated.

  4. Click K8s Clusters Association (3)

    Associate Kubernetes

  5. Add Kubernetes Cluster Name (1)

  6. Select Cluster Hosting (2) from dropdown and Save

    Associate Kubernetes

  7. It will download a JSON file cloudneeti-agent-config which will be used in step 2 to update agent configuration script.

Sample JSON file

    {"LicenseId":"XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX","AccountId":"XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX","ClusterName":"EKS Demo","ClusterHosting":"EKS","Environment":"prod"}

4.2: Collect Information

Collect Information

Information Source / Portal to use User
Cloudneeti License Id Cloudneeti (JSON file generated in step 4.1) License Admin
Cloudneeti Account Id Cloudneeti (JSON file generated in step 4.1) License Admin
Cluster Name Cloudneeti (JSON file generated in step 4.1) License Admin
Cloudneeti Environment Cloudneeti (JSON file generated in step 4.1) License Admin
Cluster Hosting Cloudneeti (JSON file generated in step 4.1) License Admin
Cloudneeti API key Cloudneeti License Admin
CloudneetiApiAppId Cloudneeti License Admin
CloudneetiAPIAppSecret Cloudneeti License Admin


Cloudneeti API key

Please follow steps for API key generation.

CloudneetiApiAppId and CloudneetiAPIAppSecret

Generate API app secret : Please follow steps to configure API access for API Account.InsertKubernetesClusterData and generate API access secret.

4.3: Deploy Cloudneeti agent

Deploy Cloudneeti agent on Kubernetes cluster node. Please use below steps to deploy Cloudneeti Agent on EKS, EC2-instance hosted Kubernetes Cluster.

Access Kubernetes cluster with root account


  1. Access Kubernetes cluster with root account from local machine

    aws eks --region <region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster_name>
  2. Deploy Cloudneeti agent on Kubernetes cluster node

    helm install <ReleaseName> cloudneeti/cloudneeti-agent `
    --set clusterName=<cluster-name-as-onboarded-on-cloudneeti> `
    --set licenseId=<cloudneeti-license-id> `
    --set accountId=<cloudneeti-account-id> `
    --set cloudneetiEnvironment=<environment-prefix (qa/trial/prod) `
    --set cloudneetiApiAppId=<api-app-id> `
    --set cloudneetiAPIKey=<cloudneeti-apimgmt-key> `
    --set cloudneetiAPIAppSecret=<api-app-secret> `
    --set clusterHosting=”EKS”

EC2-instance hosted

  1. Access Kubernetes cluster with root account

  2. Download the kubeconfig file from EC2-Instance-Based kubernetes cluster and store file on local/dev machine at secure place

  3. Verify K8S cluster access

    Helm Setup - Kubernetes

  4. Deploy Cloudneeti agent on Kubernetes cluster node

    helm install <ReleaseName> cloudneeti/cloudneeti-agent `
    --set clusterName=<cluster-name-as-onboarded-on-cloudneeti> `
    --set licenseId=<cloudneeti-license-id> `
    --set accountId=<cloudneeti-account-id> `
    --set cloudneetiEnvironment=<environment-prefix (qa/trial/prod) `
    --set cloudneetiApiAppId=<api-app-id> `
    --set cloudneetiAPIKey=<cloudneeti-apimgmt-key> `
    --set cloudneetiAPIAppSecret=<api-app-secret> `
    --set clusterHosting=”EC2-Instance-Based”

4.4: Verify Cloudneeti agent installation

Verify Cloudneeti agent installation using Kubernetes dashboard. Please follow link

  1. Verify the namespace

    kubectl get namespace

    kubectl - Kubernetes

  2. Verify the Cloudneeti agent CronJob Deployment

    kubectl get cronjob --namespace Cloudneeti

    kubectl - Kubernetes

  3. Trigger CronJob

    kubectl create job <job-name> --from=cronjobs/cloudneeti-agent --namespace cloudneeti

    kubectl - Kubernetes

  4. Get Jobs

    kubectl get job --namespace cloudneeti

    kubectl - Kubernetes

  5. Verify Job Logs of Cloudneeti agent

    Get Pod associated with the job kubectl get pods --selector=job-name= --namespace cloudneeti

    kubectl - Kubernetes

    Get log of Cloudneeti agent pod and verify data has been successfully posted to Cloudneeti or not.

    kubectl - Kubernetes

4.5: Verify policy results

Login to Cloudneeti portal with License Admin role

  1. Navigate to CIS Kubernetes v1.5.0 benchmark

    Associate Kubernetes

  2. On successful agent configuration, policy results will appear on Cloudneeti portal

    Associate Kubernetes


Setup Cloudneeti helm repo

  1. Add Cloudneeti Helm repo

    helm repo add cloudneeti

    Helm Setup - Kubernetes

  2. Verify Helm repo addition

    helm repo list

    Helm Setup - Kubernetes

  3. List available Cloudneeti helm charts

    helm search repo cloudneeti -–versions

    Helm Setup - Kubernetes

Upgrade Cloudneeti Agent

Access Kubernetes cluster with root account from local machine

Upgrade to latest Cloudneeti agent version

In case Cloudneeti releases a new version of the agent then first upgrade the helm repository to pull latest available agent versions.

  1. Update the Cloudneeti helm repo

    helm repo update
  2. Upgrade the Cloudneeti agent

    helm upgrade <release-name> cloudneeti-agent

    Upgrade agent in Kubernetes

Update parameters

Update parameters like API key, API Secret etc, using upgrade agent using the helm upgrade command with appropriate parameters

    helm upgrade <release-name> cloudneeti-agent `
    --set <parameter_to_update>=<value>

Rollback Cloudneeti Agent

In case while upgrading or after upgradation Cloudneeti agent didn’t work then switch back to the previously working version of the Cloudneeti agent using below commands,

    helm rollback <release-name>

Offboard Kubernetes Cluster

Disassociate Kubernetes cluster

Login to Cloudneeti portal with License Admin role

  1. Navigate to Configurations and Cloud Accounts

    Associate Kubernetes

  2. Expand Azure (1) section

  3. Click Configure Accounts (2) for the Cloud account where Kubernetes Cluster is to be associated.

  4. Click K8s Clusters Association (3)

  5. Click on delete button to disassociate kubernetes cluster from Cloudneeti

    Associate Kubernetes

Delete Cloudneeti Agent from Kubernetes cluster

Access Kubernetes cluster with root account from local machine

  1. Connect to Kubernetes Cluster

  2. List down the helm releases associated with Cloudneeti agent

    helm list
  3. Delete the cluster and reinstall it using the helm install if required. Command to delete:

    helm delete <release-name>

Generate Cloudneeti API key

Sign-up on Cloudneeti API portal.

  1. Go to API portal and Sign up.

  2. Fill the required fields in the sign-up form

  3. You will receive a confirmation mail for sign-up, Click on the confirmation link.

  4. The confirmation link will ask you for change password (info: You can use the password your used when signing up)

  5. You are signed up successfully

Retrieve and activate API key

Retrieve and activate your API key using the Cloudneeti API portal

  1. Click on PRODUCTS
  2. Select Unlimited Cloudneeti API
  3. Click on Subscribe Subscribe

This will notify Cloudneeti to activate your API subscription access. Please wait for the activation to be done. When Cloudneeti activates your subscription, you will get an email notification.

Once you receive the confirmation, proceed with the following steps.

  1. Click on Username
  2. Select Profile
  3. Click on Show
  4. Copy the Primary key to your notepad. Primary key