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Azure Subscription Onboarding Guide

Onboarding Steps

The following steps are required to onboard Microsoft Azure to the Cloudneeti application.

Onboarding Steps

  1. Registering the Cloudneeti application includes registering the Cloudneeti application with Azure tenant, providing access to Microsoft Graph and granting admin consent to the Cloudneeti application.

  2. Granting access to the Azure subscription includes giving the Cloudneeti application reader access to the Azure subscription and collecting Subscription ID, Directory ID, Domain Name information.

  3. Grant access to Azure subscription additional roles (Optional) includes giving the Cloudneeti application access to the Azure subscription, assigning Azure custom role.

    • Custom role with permission "Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action" for Azure Subscription level scope. The Cloudneeti application needs "Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action" action present in Website Contributor role in order to collect authentication and authorization configuration of Web/API/Mobile/Function Apps which is hosted on the App Service Plan. The current subscription Reader role given doesn't have sufficient permissions to collect web site configuration details.

    • Custom role with permission "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action" for Azure Subscription level scope. Cloudneeti needs "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action" action present in Storage Account Contributor role in order to collect metadata configuration of blobs. The current subscription Reader role given doesn't have sufficient permissions to list blob keys.

  4. Grant access to key vaults (Optional) includes giving the Cloudneeti application special permission on desired key vaults to get policy data related to secrets.

  5. Advanced Security configurations (Optional) includes adding a script to the customer’s Azure account and granting the required access rights.

    Advanced security configurations (step 5) requires a Cloudneeti PowerShell agent to be installed in an Azure subscription under the same tenant where the Azure subscription is located. The Cloudneeti PowerShell agent retrieves (A) additional configuration information from the Azure Active Directory (there are no Azure APIs to retrieve this information) and pushes (B) this information as a JSON file to the Cloudneeti application.

  6. Enable Azure Security Center audit policies (Optional) includes enabling Azure Security Center audit policies (Optional) includes configuring Azure Security Center free tier in order for Zscaler CSPM to pull all security recommendations and make it available within the product.

    • Note : Please note that it is not required to have Azure Defender enabled (ASC Standard tier).
  7. Configure OS baseline and Vulnerability Assessment Solution (Optional) inlcudes connecting VMs to OMS workspace. Also deploy partner Vulnerability Assessment Solution in Azure Security Center and installing the solution on multiple VMs allows to provide visibility into missing updates, misconfigured OS security settings, endpoint protection status, and health and threat protection.

  8. Configure Cloudneeti agent on AKS, AKS Engine and VM Based Kubernetes Clusters (Optional) inlcudes Deploying Cloudneeti agent on Azure Kubernetes Service enables compliance monitoring of Azure Kubernetes Clusters - AKS, AKS-Engine and VM hosted Kubernetes Clusters. An Azure docker agent is deployed to collect data for additional security policies.

  9. Adding Azure subscription includes adding Azure subscription information to the respective Cloud Account and waiting until the first data collection is complete.

S. No. Step Portal to use Role Type Policies
1 Create new Azure App Registration Microsoft Azure Global AD Administrator mandatory 0
2 Grant access to Azure subscription Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner mandatory 0
3 Grant access to Azure subscription additional roles Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner optional 12
4 Grant access to key vaults Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner optional 1
5 Advanced Security configuration Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner, Global AD Reader optional 18
6 Enable Azure Security Center audit policies Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner optional 115
7 Configure OS baseline and Vulnerability Assessment Solution Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner optional 513
8 Configure Cloudneeti agent on AKS, AKS Engine and VM Based Kubernetes Clusters Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner optional 73
9 Add Azure subscription Cloudneeti License Admin mandatory 0

Required Roles

One or more people with the following roles are required to complete Microsoft Azure onboarding process.

Pre-requisite Role Portal to use
License Admin Cloudneeti application
Global AD Administrator Microsoft Azure
Subscription Owner Microsoft Azure
  • Onboarding a cloud account (in this case an Azure Subscription) requires the logged in user to be assigned the License Admin role in the Cloudneeti application.

  • Microsoft Azure Global AD Administrator role is required for App Registration of the Cloudneeti application and granting access rights to the Cloudneeti application.

  • The Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner role is required for providing Cloudneeti application required read access to the Azure Subscription.

Required Permissions

Cloudneeti application will be granted five read permissions to Azure AD and Azure subscriptions. Four of these permissions are optional. Each optional read permission is linked to a number of security policies where this permission is needed for data collection. If an optional permission will not be provided, Cloudneeti application will not be able to collect the data for the related policies. Excluded security policies by permission are listed later in this document.

Object Role / Permission Portal to use Required Role Step Type Policies
Azure Active Directory Directory Read All Microsoft Graph Microsoft Azure Global AD Admin STEP 1 optional 5
Azure Subscription Reader Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner STEP 2 mandatory 0
Azure Subscription Custom role Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner STEP 3 optional 11
Azure Subscription Custom role Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner STEP 3 optional 1
Key Vault Access Policy Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner STEP 4 optional 1

STEP 1: Create new Azure App Registration Manually or using Azure powershell script

The following steps are executed by the Microsoft Azure Global AD Administrator role on the Microsoft Azure Portal.

The Cloudneeti application can be registered either manually or using automation script.

1.1 Manual Steps

Following manual steps allow you to understand the actual steps and permissions needed to create the Azure Application. If you prefer to automate this steps, please refer to 1.1 (Automated) section

Create new Azure App Registration

Login to Azure Portal with Global AD Administrator role.

  1. Select Azure Active Directory in the primary menu

  2. Select App Registrations in the secondary menu

  3. Click on New Registration

    Service Principal - Azure Portal

  4. Enter the name, for example "Cloudneeti"

  5. Click Register

    Service Principal - Azure Portal

  6. Copy to clipboard and paste the Application id to your notepad

    Service Principal - Azure Portal

Add Client Secret

  1. Click on new client secret in Certificates & secrets section
  2. Add Description and select expiry time
  3. Click on Add
  4. Copy to clipboard and paste the Client Secret to your notepad. Note: You will not be able to copy this value after you move away from this screen.

    Client Secret

This step is optional

Add Read All Microsoft Graph permissions and grant admin consent

This step is needed to gain access to Azure AD related policies. If the customer doesn’t want to grant Cloudneeti application access to customer’s Azure AD, this step can be skipped. The Cloudneeti application will not be able to provide Azure AD related security policy information.

  1. Click API Permissions
  2. Click Add permission and add the following information:

    API Permission Name Type
    Microsoft.Graph Directory.Read.All Refer here Application
  3. Click on Grant admin consent for … button in the Grant consent section.

    Service Principal - Azure Portal

1.1 Automated Steps

Automated steps allow you to apply repeatability and consistency in provisioning. These steps replace 1.1 (Manual) section above.

Create new Azure App Registration


The below steps are required for registering Cloudneeti application in Azure Tenant using PowerShell script.

Activity Description
1. Download and review PowerShell script for creation of the service principal The PowerShell script is used to create a service principal in Azure Tenant AD: Download Link.
2. Workstation: Ensure you have the latest PowerShell version (v5 and above) Verify PowerShell version by running the following command
on the workstation where you will run the ServicePrincipal creation script. If PowerShell version is lower than 5, then follow this link for installation of a later version: Download Link.
3. Workstation: Before executing the script, make sure there are no restrictions in running the PowerShell script Use this PowerShell command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy `
-Scope Process `
-ExecutionPolicy Bypass
PowerShell contains built-in execution policies that limit its use as an attack vector. By default, the execution policy is set to Restricted, which is the primary policy for script execution. The bypass allows for running scripts and keeps the lowered permissions isolated to just the current running process.
4. Workstation: Install Azure Modules to execute PowerShell commands within service principal automation script Install-Module `
-Name AzureAD `

It is a roll-up module for the Azure Resource Manager cmdlets.
Register Cloudneeti Application

Use the Create-ServicePrincipal-AzureOnboarding.ps1 script to create and register a Cloudneeti Application.

  1. Open PowerShell in administrator mode.
  2. Go to the directory where Create-ServicePrincipal-AzureOnboarding.ps1 was downloaded earlier.
  3. Run the below command to create a service principal

        .\Create-ServicePrincipal-AzureOnboarding.ps1 `
            -azureActiveDirectoryId <Active_Directory_Id> `
            -servicePrincipalName <data_collector_name> `
            -expirationPeriod 1year

  4. The script will prompt the login screen

  5. Log in with Global AD Administrator or Application Administrator user credentials.
  6. Store service principal information from the output in a notepad. This information will be needed while onboarding the Azure account in the Cloudneeti portal.

    Service Principal Screenshot

In case the user doesn’t want to provide the Microsoft Graph permissions given in section Azure Active Directory Permissions, you can use the disableADPolicies switch in the Create-ServicePrincipal-AzureOnboarding.ps1 command:

    .\Create-ServicePrincipal-AzureOnboarding.ps1 `
        -azureActiveDirectoryId <Active_Directory_Id> `
        -servicePrincipalName <data_collector_name> `
        -expirationPeriod 1year `

This step is optional

  1. Login to Azure Portal with Global AD Administrator role.
  2. Click on Azure Active Directory
  3. Select App registrations
  4. Select Cloudneeti Application

    Service Principal - Azure Portal

  5. Go to API permissions (1)

  6. Click Add a permission (2)
  7. Click on the Grant admin consent for… (3) in the Grant consent section.
  8. A notification is displayed (4) “Successfully granted admin consent for the requested permissions”

    Grant permission

STEP 2: Grant access to Cloudneeti registered app existing

Reader role need to be granted to the Cloudneeti App registered in the previous step

The following steps are done by Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner role.

2.1 Grant Azure Subscription Reader role

This step is mandatory

Add reader role for Cloudneeti application in Azure Subscription.

Login to Azure Portal with Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner role.

  1. Go to the subscription’s Access control (IAM) in the third level menu
  2. Click on the Add button and select Add role assignment
  3. Select Reader role and Cloudneeti
  4. Select Save to complete the role assignment

    Assign role

2.3 Collect information

The Cloudneeti application License Admin requires this information to add an Azure subscription as a cloud account.

Information Portal to use User
Azure Directory ID Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner
Azure Active Directory Domain name Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner
Registered Cloudneeti Application ID Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner
Registered Cloudneeti Application Secret Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner

Azure Directory Id and Domain Name

  1. Navigate to Azure Active Directory (1)

  2. Copy Domain Name (2) to a notepad

  3. Copy Directory ID (3) to a notepad

    Azure Directory

Registered Cloudneeti Application ID

  1. Select Azure Active Directory in the primary menu

  2. Select App Registrations in the secondary menu

  3. Select Cloudneeti Application registered in step 1

    Azure Domain

  4. Copy the Cloudneeti Application id Azure Domain

Registered Cloudneeti Application Secret

  1. Select Azure Active Directory in the primary menu

  2. Select App Registrations in the secondary menu

  3. Select Cloudneeti Application registered in step 1

  4. Click on new client secret in Certificates & secrets section

  5. Add Description and select expiry time

  6. Click on Add

  7. Copy to clipboard and paste the Client Secret to your notepad. Note: You will not be able to copy this value after you move away from this screen. Application Secret

STEP 3: Grant access to Azure subscription additional roles

This step is optional

Azure custom role needs to be granted to the Cloudneeti App registered in the previous step with following permission.

Custom role with permission "Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action" for Azure Subscription level scope.

  • The Cloudneeti application needs "Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action" action present in Website Contributor role in order to collect authentication and authorization configuration of Web/API/Mobile/Function Apps which is hosted on the App Service Plan. The current subscription Reader role given doesn't have sufficient permissions to collect web site configuration details.

  • If the custom role with "Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action" is not assigned, Cloudneeti application will not be able to collect data of security policies listed here.

Custom role with permission "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action" for Azure Subscription level scope.

  • Cloudneeti needs "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action" action present in Storage Account Contributor role in order to collect metadata configuration of blobs. The current subscription Reader role given doesn't have sufficient permissions to list blob keys.

  • If the custom role with "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action" is not assigned, Cloudneeti application will not be able to collect data of security policies listed here.

The following roles need to be granted to the Cloudneeti App registered in the previous step. Please follow link for steps.

STEP 4: Grant access to key vaults

This step is optional. The Cloudneeti application requires special permission on desired key vaults to get policy data related to secrets. If the Key Vault access policy is not added, Cloudneeti application will not be able to collect data of security policies listed here.

Please follow link for steps.

STEP 5: Advanced Security configurations

This step is optional. An Azure Automation Account resource is deployed to collect data for additional security policies listed here . The Azure Active Directory control plane exposes the data only through PowerShell that needs to run under a Global AD reader credential.

To ensure that Cloudneeti does not ever store/have access to a global AD reader, it is recommended to deploy a small PowerShell script under customer’s control in their own Azure subscription. The metadata collected after running a script is then pushed to a Cloudneeti API that you registered during the Cloudneeti API key generation.

Please follow link for steps.

STEP 6: Enable Azure Security Center audit policies

Enable pull integration with Azure Security Center free tier using either manual steps or automated scripts. Automated scripts will update configurations to enable data collection for the policies listed here.

Note : Please note that it is not required to have Azure Defender enabled (ASC Standard tier).

Please follow link for steps.

STEP 7: Configure OS baseline and Vulnerability Assessment Solution

This step is optional. Enabling Auto Provisioning of Azure Security Center monitoring agent and connect VMs to OMS workspace allows various OS baselines as defined by CIS automatically light up on the Cloudneeti dashboards.

Deploy partner Vulnerability Assessment Solution in Azure Security Center and installing the solution on multiple VMs allows to provide visibility into protection status and threat protection.

Please follow link for steps.

STEP 8: Configure Cloudneeti agent on AKS, AKS Engine and VM based Kubernetes Clusters

This step is optional.

Cloudneeti includes and extends Azure Security center recommendations for AKS by deploying a Cloudneeti agent to Azure Kubernetes Cluster. A docker container agent is deployed to collect data for additional security policies. Cloudneeti then provides out-of-box mappings for all 13+ compliance frameworks included in the product.

Please follow link for steps.

STEP 9: Add Azure Subscription

The following steps are done by Cloudneeti application License Admin role.

9.1 Activate the License

  1. Log in to the Cloudneeti application with License Admin role.
  2. Click on Activate License Activate License

9.2 Add Cloud Account

  1. Select cloud connector for Microsoft Azure Add Account
  2. Fill in the Account Name, Domain name, Azure Tenant Id (Domain ID) Azure Application ID and Azure Application Password. Add Account
  3. Click on Get Subscriptions to get the list of Azure subscriptions that Cloudneeti application can access in the selected azure tenant. If your subscription does not exist on the list then please check access to service principal
  4. Select Subscription in the dropdown menu
  5. Click Save & Continue Add Account
  6. You will receive a confirmation that the Azure subscription has been added. Add Account

9.3 Data Collection and verfication

Once the Azure subscription is added to the cloud account under Cloudneeti License, it requires about 5 minutes for the data to be collected and processed, before they can be displayed in Cloudneeti dashboards.

  1. Select Dashboard on the menu

  2. Review the data on dashboard Data Collection

    Congratulations! You have added an Azure subscription to Cloudneeti application.

  3. Verify cloud account health status for prerequisite permissions and configurations verfied on every scan.

Note: Cloudneeti uses the App Registration (aka service principal) to register Cloudneeti’s MPN ID (4758633) as a Partner to your Azure subscription. It usually takes about a month for Microsoft to reflect this association on the Customer's Partner Admin Link (PAL) portal page.

Microsoft’s PAL program makes it easier for Cloudneeti to be recognized as a cloud partner to the customer. This allows Microsoft to share information to Cloudneeti on the health of Azure Subscription (Active/Disabled) and Account Management Support (Technical/Billing) as and when requested by Customer. For more information, refer to the documentation link here Link a Partner ID to your Azure accounts.

Next Steps

Onboard another Microsoft Azure Subscription to the Cloudneeti application

Please follow STEP 1 to STEP 8 for required prerequisites configurations. Then add Azure subscription to Cloudneeti Application using below steps:

1. Azure subscription is in same Azure Active Directory as of already added Cloud accounts.

  1. Navigate to Cloud Accounts (2) page in Configutrations (1)

  2. Click Add Cloud Account (3)

    Add another account

  3. Select License to add a Cloud account

    Add another account

  4. Select cloud connector as Azure

    Add another account

  5. Select existing Tenant

    Add another account

  6. Fill in the Account Name

  7. Click Get Subscription

    Add another account

  8. This will list subscriptions in the selected azure tenant. If your subscription does not exist in list then please check access to Cloudneeti Application is as stated inprerequisite step 2

  9. Select subscription to onboard new cloud account.

    Add another account

  10. Save

  11. You will receive a confirmation that the Azure subscription has been added. Add Account

2. Azure subscription is in different Azure Active Directory as of already added Cloud accounts.

  1. Navigate to Cloud Accounts (2) page in Configutrations (1)

  2. Click Add Cloud Account (3)

    Add another account

  3. Select License to add a Cloud account

    Add another account

  4. Select cloud connector as Azure

    Add another account

  5. Keep Select existing Tenant blank

    Add another account

  6. Fill in the Account Name Domain name Azure Tenant Id (Domain ID), Azure Application ID and Azure Application Password

  7. Click Get Subscription

    Add another account

  8. This will list subscriptions in the selected azure tenant. If your subscription does not exist in list then please check access to Cloudneeti Application is as stated inprerequisite step 2

  9. Select subscription to onboard new cloud account.

    Add another account

  10. Add Account

    Add another account

  11. You will receive a confirmation that the Azure subscription has been added.

    Add Account

Security Polices with required roles, permissions

The following Security Policies will be excluded if one or multiple roles are not assigned.

Permissions Number of Excluded Security Policies
Read All Microsoft Graph permissions 5
Reader role for Azure Subscription level scope. 0
Custom role with permission 'Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action' 11
Custom role with permission 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action' 1
Key Vault access policies for specific managed Key Vaults 1

Microsoft Graph

Microsoft graph permissions are needed to collect data for Azure AD related security policies listed below.

Policy Title AAD Entity Used for Evaluating Misconfiguration Data Stored in Cloudneeti Data Store
Ensure that AD Application keys are rotated before they expires passwordCredentials

Metadata information contained within the data entity will be key start-date, end-date, and expiry policies. No actual values are retrievable.
  • AD Application Name
  • AD Application ID
  • Expiry Date
Ensure that Service Principal Certificate are renewed before it expires keyCredentials

Metadata information contained within the data involves start-date and end-date. Refer to documentation here.
  • AD Application Name
  • AD Application ID
  • Expiry Date
Ensure that there are no guest users userType

Member or guest.
  • No data is stored in the Cloudneeti database. This policy only retrieves the count of total users and how many are guest users.
Enforce the policy to set Password to ‘always' expire in Azure Active Directory for all Organization Users passwordPolicies

Metadata involving the length of the password, password strength, and password restrictions. Refer to documentation here.
  • No data is stored in the Cloudneeti database. This policy only retrieves the count of all organization users and how many of them have set ‘Password always expired’ to ‘On’.
Ensure that Azure resources are accessible only through Organization Accoun userType

Member or guest.
  • No data is stored in the Cloudneeti database. This policy only retrieves the count of external users in an organization who can access resources under the Azure Subscription.


Delete App Registration for each Azure Subscription

Login to Azure Portal with Subscription Owner role.

Cloudneeti application registration created during onboarding an Azure Subscription should be deleted which will remove permissions and assigned roles on subscription/subscriptions.

  1. Go to Azure Active Directory

  2. Click on App Registration

  3. Select Cloudneeti Application which has role assignment to Azure Subscription to be offboarded

  4. Click on Delete to remove Cloudneeti Application registration Azure Offboarding

Delete cloud account in Cloudneeti application

Please send a request to to delete this cloud account under your license.