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STEP 5: Azure Advanced security configurations

This step is optional.

The following steps are done by Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner (or Subscription Contributor) role.

An Azure Automation Account resource is deployed to collect data for additional security policies listed here. The Azure Active Directory control plane exposes the data only through PowerShell that needs to run under a Global AD reader credential. Please note that the credential used should not have MFA enabled and if conditional access is used, exclude Global AD reader from the conditional access.

To ensure that Cloudneeti does not ever store/have access to a global AD reader, it is recommended to deploy a small PowerShell script under customer’s control in their own Azure subscription. The metadata collected after running a script is then pushed to a Cloudneeti API that you registered during the Cloudneeti API key generation.

5.1 Collect Information

Information Source / Portal to use User
Cloudneeti License Id Cloudneeti License Admin
Cloudneeti Account Id Cloudneeti License Admin
Azure Active Directory Id Cloudneeti License Admin
Azure Subscription Id Cloudneeti License Admin
Azure Active Directory Global Reader Id Microsoft Azure Global Reader
Azure Active Directory Global Reader password Microsoft Azure Global Reader
Cloudneeti data collector Application Id Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner
Cloudneeti data collector Application secret Microsoft Azure Subscription Owner
Cloudneeti Environment Cloudneeti Team License Admin
Cloudneeti API key Cloudneeti Team License Admin
Cloudneeti Azure IAM Data Collector Artifacts Storage Name Cloudneeti Team License Admin
Cloudneeti Azure IAM Data Collector Version Cloudneeti Team License Admin
Cloudneeti Azure data collector artifacts storage access Key Cloudneeti Team License Admin

Cloudneeti license and account details

Login to Cloudneeti portal as a License Admin.

License id

  1. Navigate to Features and Quota​s under Configurations
  2. Copy license ID and paste to notepad. License id

Account id

  1. Navigate to Cloud Accounts in Configurations
  2. Copy account ID and paste to notepad. Manage Accounts

Generate Cloudneeti API key

Sign-up on Cloudneeti API portal.

  1. Go to API portal and Sign up.

  2. Fill the required fields in the sign-up form

  3. You will receive a confirmation mail for sign-up, Click on the confirmation link.

  4. The confirmation link will ask you for change password (info: You can use the password your used when signing up)

  5. You are signed up successfully

Retrieve and activate API key

Retrieve and activate your API key using the Cloudneeti API portal

  1. Click on PRODUCTS
  2. Select Unlimited Cloudneeti API
  3. Click on Subscribe Subscribe

This will notify Cloudneeti to activate your API subscription access. Please wait for the activation to be done. When Cloudneeti activates your subscription, you will get an email notification.

Once you receive the confirmation, proceed with the following steps.

  1. Click on Username
  2. Select Profile
  3. Click on Show
  4. Copy the Primary key to your notepad. Primary key

Cloudneeti artifacts and data collector details

Contact Cloudneeti Team for:

  • Cloudneeti Environment
  • Cloudneeti Azure IAM Data Collector Artifacts Storage Name
  • Cloudneeti Azure IAM Data Collector Artifacts Storage Access Key
  • Cloudneeti Azure IAM Data Collector Version

Azure details

Login to Azure portal as a subscription owner.

Azure Directory ID

  1. Click on Azure Active Directory on the primary menu
  2. Click on Properties on the secondary menu
  3. Copy Directory ID to a notepad Directory ID

Azure Subscription ID

  1. Choose your Azure AD tenant by selecting your Azure subscription in the top right corner of the page
  2. Select Default Directory Default Directory
  3. Click on Subscriptions (1) on the primary menu
  4. Select the desired Azure subscription (2) Azure subscription
  5. Copy Subscription ID to a notepad Subscription ID

Registered Cloudneeti Application ID

  1. Select Azure Active Directory in the primary menu
  2. Select App Registrations in the secondary menu
  3. Select Cloudneeti Application registered in Step 1 Registered Cloudneeti Application ID
  4. Copy the Cloudneeti Application id Cloudneeti Application id

Registered Cloudneeti Application Secret

  1. Select Azure Active Directory in the primary menu
  2. Select App Registrations in the secondary menu
  3. Select Cloudneeti Application registered in Step 1
  4. Click on new client secret in Certificates & secrets section (1)
  5. Add Description and select expiry time
  6. Click on Add (2)
  7. Copy to clipboard and paste the Client Secret to your notepad. Note: You will not be able to copy this value after you move away from this screen. (3) Registered Cloudneeti Application Secret

5.2 Provision Azure IAM data collector

Login to Azure portal as Subscription Contributor or Subscription Owner access.

Switch to Azure AD with the Azure Subscription with pre-requisite access.

  1. Open CloudShell
  2. Click on Cloudshell icon on the navigation bar to open Cloudshell
  3. Choose PowerShell from shell dropdown
  4. Select storage CloudShell
  5. Execute below command in Cloudshell to download the Cloudneeti data collector provisioning script.
        wget -O Provision-AzureIAM-DataCollector.ps1
  6. Switch to the User directory
        cd $User
  7. Run provisioning script with inline parameters

        ./Provision-AzureIAM-DataCollector.ps1 `
                -CloudneetiLicenseId <Cloudneeti License Id> `
                -CloudneetiAccountId <Cloudneeti Account Id> `
                -CloudneetiEnvironment <Cloudneeti Environment> `
                -CloudneetiApplicationId <Cloudneeti Data Collector Registered Application Id> `
                -ArtifactsName <Cloudneeti Azure IAM Data Collector Artifact Name> `
                -DataCollectorVersion <Cloudneeti Azure IAM Data Collector Version> `
                -AzureActiveDirectoryId <Azure Active Directory Id> `
                -AzureGlobalReaderEmailId <Azure Global Reader Email Id> `
                -AzureSubscriptionId <Azure Subscription Id where Azure IAM datacollector resources will be created> `
                -DataCollectorName <Friendly name for Azure IAM Data Collector resources>
    Note: Contact Cloudneeti Team for ArtifactsName, DataCollectorVersion and ArtifactsAccessKey

  8. The script will execute and prompt you for below details: Cloudneeti API key
    Cloudneeti Data Collector Service Principal Secret
    Cloudneeti Azure IAM Data Collector Artifacts Storage Access Key
    Azure Active Directory reader password

  9. This will create a runbook inside automation account

5.3 Apply delete lock

Apply a delete lock to prevent accidental deletion of the data collection resource group in your Azure Subscription.

  1. Navigate to Azure IAM data collector resource group

  2. Click on Locks (1)

  3. Click Add (2)

  4. Enter Lock name DoNotDelete (3)

  5. Select Lock type as Delete (4)

  6. Add Notes (Do not delete M365 data collector resource group) (5)

  7. Click OK (6) Apply Delete Lock

5.4 Modify the data collection schedule

Set the automation account schedule before the daily Cloudneeti data collection time.

  1. Go to Azure IAM data collector resource group
  2. Select Automation account
  3. Click on Schedules
  4. Select Schedule Schedule
  5. Modify the schedule Time (set time about 1 hour before the daily Cloudneeti data collection time)
  6. Click Save Modify and Save

Cloudneeti portal will show details for policies from next scan.


Azure - Upgrade Advanced Security Configuration

Upgrading existing Azure advance secuirty configuration to DataCollectorVersion 1.2 includes updating runbook inside automation account provisioned for Azure cloud account to get data for new security policies.

Please refer Release Notes for latest security policy addition.

Login to Azure portal as Subscription Contributor or Subscription Owner access.

Switch to Azure AD with the Azure Subscription with pre-requisite access.

  1. Open CloudShell
  2. Click on Cloudshell icon on the navigation bar to open Cloudshell
  3. Choose PowerShell from shell drop down
  4. Select storage CloudShell
  5. Execute below command in Cloudshell to download the Cloudneeti data collector update script.
        wget -O Upgrade-AzureIAM-DataCollector.ps1
  6. Switch to the User directory
        cd $User
  7. Run update script with inline parameters

        ./Upgrade-AzureIAM-DataCollector.ps1 `
                -ArtifactsName <Cloudneeti Azure IAM Data Collector Artifact Name> `
                -DataCollectorVersion 1.2 `
                -AzureSubscriptionId <Azure Subscription Id where Azure IAM Data datacollector resouces will be created> `
                -DataCollectorName <Azure IAM Data Data Collector Name>
    Note: Enter name of existing data collector automation account
    Contact Cloudneeti Team for ArtifactsName, DataCollectorVersion and ArtifactsAccessKey

  8. The script will execute and prompt you for below details:
    Cloudneeti Azure IAM data collector artifacts storage access Key

  9. This will update a runbook inside automation account

Advanced security configuration

The advanced security policy data collector enables the following 21 policies as available in the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Azure benchmark (Reference here).

Control No Policy Title Category
1600.13 Ensure that 'Users can consent to apps accessing company data on their behalf' is set to 'No' Azure - Identity and Access
1600.14 Ensure that 'Users can add gallery apps to their Access Panel' is set to 'No' Azure - Identity and Access
1600.15 Ensure that 'Restrict access to Azure AD administration portal' is set to 'Yes' Azure - Identity and Access
1600.16 Ensure that 'Users can register applications' is set to 'No'  Azure - Identity and Access
1600.17 Ensure that 'Guest user permissions are limited' is set to 'Yes'  Azure - Identity and Access
1600.18 Ensure that 'Members can invite' is set to 'No'  Azure - Identity and Access
1600.19 Ensure that 'Guests can invite' is set to 'No' Azure - Identity and Access
1600.20 Ensure that 'Self-service group management enabled' is set to 'No' Azure - Identity and Access
1600.21 Ensure that 'Users can create security groups' is set to 'No'  Azure - Identity and Access
1600.22 Ensure that 'Users who can manage security groups' is set to 'None' Azure - Identity and Access
1600.23 Ensure that 'Users can create Office 365 groups' is set to 'No'  Azure - Identity and Access
1600.24 Ensure that 'Users who can manage Office 365 groups' is set to 'None'  Azure - Identity and Access
1600.25 Ensure that 'Enable "All Users" group' is set to 'Yes' Azure - Identity and Access
1600.26 Ensure that 'Require Multi-Factor Auth to join devices' is set to 'Yes' Azure - Identity and Access
1600.27 Ensure that 'Number of methods required to reset' is set to '2' Azure - Identity and Access
1600.28 Ensure that 'Number of days before users are asked to re-confirm their authentication information' is not set to '0' Azure - Identity and Access
1600.29 Ensure that 'Notify users on password resets?' is set to 'Yes' Azure - Identity and Access
1600.30 Ensure that 'Notify all admins when other admins reset their password?' is set to 'Yes'  Azure - Identity and Access
1600.4 Enforce the policy to set Password to 'always' expire in Azure Active Directory for all Organization Users Azure - Identity and Access
1600.4 Enforce the policy to set Password to 'always' expire in Azure Active Directory for all Organization Users Azure - Identity and Access
1600.12 Ensure that there are no guest users Azure - Identity and Access