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How it works


The Cloudneeti application has the following product features:

  • Administration – Managing users, Licenses and Cloud accounts

  • Meta-data Collection – Cloud Connectors communicating with the CSP, gathering Assets Inventory and Configurations of cloud resources.

  • Visibility – Access to Security Posture, Compliance Posture and Risk Posture dashboards, views and reports.

  • Governance – Out of the box definitions of standard Security Policies, Compliance Frameworks, Risk impact and likelihood. This includes ability to do policy exceptions and prioritize fixes using risk-based prioritizations.

  • Enforcement – Providing Remediation Guidance, enabling Auto-Remediations, Integrations with customer’s IT systems to log Tickets, provide data feeds and send notifications.



Use of Cloudneeti application starts when a customer subscribes to Cloudneeti SaaS product and is issued a License. One customer can have one or multiple Licenses. Multiple Licenses may be required when customer’s business is a portfolio of different business units and security assurance should be segregated by business unit. With multiple Licenses, a customer can manage security and compliance for each business unit individually.


Cloud Accounts

Under a License, a customer can create one or multiple Cloud Accounts. Each Cloud Account serves as a representation of an AWS account, Azure or Office 365 subscription. “Onboarding cloud accounts” means integrating Cloudneeti application with the cloud service provider (CSP) for cloud infrastructure configurations metadata collection. Security posture analysis happens primarily at a Cloud Account level.

Cloud Accounts

User Roles

The Cloudneeti application supports Admin (administrator) and Reader user roles. A License Admin role is assigned to the primary user of Cloudneeti application. License Admin has access to dashboards, views and reports and can configure the Cloudneeti application. A License Reader can only access dashboards, views and reports.

User Roles

Access Permissions

License Admins and License Readers have access to all Cloud Accounts under a specific License or multiple Licenses. Account users are given selective access to specific Cloud Accounts under one or multiple Licenses.

In the example below, License User has access to all Cloud Accounts under License 1. Account User has access to Cloud Account 2 under License 1 and Cloud Account 4 under License 2.

Access Permissions

Assets Inventory

As part of meta-data collection, during each scan, the Cloudneeti application retrieves the Asset Inventory information for each Cloud Account and stores these configurations in the data store. Assets Inventory includes Cloud Connector (AWS, Azure, Office 365), Cloud Account, Resource Group for Azure and Tags for AWS, Resource Name and Resource Configurations (meta-data).

Assets Inventory

Security Posture

Resource Status: The Cloudneeti application compares these actual Resource configurations against cloud security best practices (security policies) and determines security policy status “Pass” or “Fail” at a Resource level. “Pass” status means the Resource is compliant with the policy. “Fail” status means the Resource is not compliant with the policy.

Security Policy Status: Security Policy Status is determined based on the number of compliant resources. The policy is assigned a “Pass”, “Pass(O)”, “Warn”, “Fail”, "Prerequisite", "Manual" or “No resources” status based on Resource Status for relevant to this cloud policy resources:

  • “Pass” status is assigned when configurations of all resources have “Pass” status.

  • “Pass(O)” status is assigned when user overrides the securty policy status.

  • “Warn” status is assigned to a security policy when configurations of some resources have “Pass” status and the other resources have “Fail” status.

  • "Manual" status is assigned to a security policy when automation is not available. User can override the policy status to Pass/NA/Fail.

  • “Fail” status is assigned to a security policy when all Resources have “Fail” status.

  • “No resources” status is assigned to a security policy when onboarded cloud accounts don’t have any relevant resources for this security policy.

  • "Prerequisite" is a status assigned to a security policy, indicates that the Customer would need to take additional actions to setup permissions/roles/enablement of services on the respective cloud service provider (Azure, AWS, Office365 etc).

  • "Excluded" status is assigned to a security policy when a security policy is excluded globally or at the cloud account level.

Compliance Percentage: Compliance Percentage is an aggregated percentage of fully compliant security policies (all resources under this security policy are compliant).

Security Posture

Security Posture is displayed in the Cloudneeti application as views. A view shows Categories and category level number of Polices Pass/Total. Under each Category, a list of Security Policies is displayed with Security Policy Status and number of Resources Pass/Total.

Security Posture

% Compliance and Policy Compliance Trends are also available within the view.

Security Posture

Compliance Posture

Cloudneeti application supports out-of-the-box multiple compliance frameworks. Security policies are mapped to compliance controls for each compliance framework, one or more security policies per compliance control.

Resource Status: The Cloudneeti application compares these actual Resource configurations against cloud security best practices (security policies) and determines security policy status “Pass” or “Fail” at a Resource level. “Pass” status means the Resource is compliant with the policy. “Fail” status means the Resource is not compliant with the policy.

Security Policy Status: Security Policy Status is determined based on the number of compliant resources. The policy is assigned a “Pass” (Pass + Pass(O)), “Warn”, “Fail”, "Prerequisite", "Manual" or “No resources” status based on Resource Status for relevant to this cloud policy resources.

Compliance Percentage: Compliance % is an aggregated percentage of fully compliant security policies (all resources under this security policy are compliant). Fully complaint security policies includes status Pass and Pass(O).

Compliance Posture

An aggregated Compliance % per Compliance Framework is displayed across multiple compliance frameworks in the compliance dashboard. It is calculated as a share of fully compliant cloud security policies out of the total number of security policies with data.

Compliance Posture

Risk Posture

Cloudneeti implemented risk-based prioritization matrix using the ISO 27005 standard. The risk matrix is created by automatically categorizing each security policy for risk impact and risk likelihood. Risk impact can be “Very Low”, “Low”, “Moderate”, “High” and “Critical”. Risk likelihood can be “Not Likely”, “Low”, “Moderate”, “High” and “Certain”. Risk impact is preset for each security policy. Risk likelihood is calculated each time based on multiple metrics using machine learning algorithms.

Risk Posture

Risk matrix has X-axis and Y-axis showing the number of security policies in each X / Y segment. Accordingly, Security Policies with high risk impact and high-risk likelihood constitute a set of Security Policies with severity “High”.

Cloudneeti’s risk impact and risk likelihood categorization is based the following inputs:

  • Common reasons of security breaches over the last several years derived from publicly available information disclosed by businesses

  • Prioritization of cloud security best practices provided by CSPs like Microsoft Azure, AWS, Office 365 etc.

  • Inputs from Auditors and Risk Advisors across various project over the last few years

  • Customer feedback on their experience with certain security controls.

Cloudneeti is continuously optimizing its Machine Learning algorithms to deliver a high accuracy risk analytics.

Risk Posture

Risk Impact

Risk Impact is often defined as the consequences, or effects of a certain risk event happening, as related to a Software Application or an Organization. The impact of risk events can be defined in both qualitative and quantitative metrics. These metrics are cost, schedule, reputation, quality, scope, health, safety, etc.

The Risk Impact five-point scale is defined below.

Risk Impact Objective: Cost Increase Objective: Time Increase Objective: Reputation Damage
Critical >40% 20-40% Possibly rendering project useless
High 20-40% 10-20% Unacceptable to sponsors & stakeholders
Moderate 10-20% 10-20% Might require additional sponsor approvals
Low <10% <5% Noticeable reduction in project quality
Very Low insignificant insignificant Barely noticeable

Note: Please consult with your Risk Advisor / Information Security team to review the Cloudneeti’s assigned Risk Impact in the context of your application architecture.

Risk Likelihood

Risk Likelihood (or probability), is the possibility of a risk event occurring. It usually is expressed in either quantitative scare (e.g. probability of 10%) or a qualitative rating (e.g. Not Likely).

The Risk Likelihood five-point scale is defined below.

Risk Likelihood Definition
Certain Highly likely to occur with a probability >90%.
High Likely to occur with a probability of 60-90%.
Moderate Possible to occur with a probability of 30-60%.
Low Will most likely not occur. Probability to occur is 10 - 30%.
Not Likely Highly unlikely to occur with a probability <10%
Undetermined Security policies with status ‘No Resources’ or ‘Manual’ or ‘Prerequisite’ or ‘Excluded’ are marked with this risk likelihood.

Note: Please consult with your Risk Advisor / Information Security team to review the Cloudneeti’s assigned Risk Likelihood in the context of your application architecture.