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Customer Data Security

Platform Architecture

The Cloudneeti application is a multi-tenant software as a service (SaaS) product hosted on Microsoft Azure within Cloudneeti’s Azure subscription. The product is designed grounds up using highly scalable three-tier architecture with web tier, serverless microservices tier and data and analytics tier with NoSQL database.

Meta-data collection for AWS happens using serverless Lambda functions running within Cloudneeti’s AWS account. Meta-data collection for Azure is part of microservices tier and runs within Cloudneeti’s Azure subscription.

Platform Architecture

The Cloudneeti application enables data security for all data types imported, stored and exported during data collection, data analysis, remediations, single sign on and integrations. Data protection, high-availability and resiliency is considered from the very outset. All traffic to and from Cloudneeti is always encrypted and access controlled. Cloudneeti uses TLS1.2 for data-in-transit encryption and AES 256-bit encryption for data at rest. Architecture includes Single Sign On with the customer’s preferred ID provider.

Data Flow

The data flow diagram outlines the data exchange between the Cloudneeti application and external systems.

Data Flow

Access Permissions

Cloudneeti follows CSP guidelines for third-party SaaS application integrations.

AWS: The Cloudneeti application uses AWS External ID for AWS to access the meta-data within a specific AWS account. The AWS External ID is assigned a Security Audit role with specific Role-based Access Control (RBAC) permissions for accessing the management plane. Cloud connector, located in Cloudneeti’s AWS account, is communicating with the management plane using AWS Trusted ID credentials.

Azure: The Cloudneeti application uses App Registration within Microsoft AD to access the meta-data within a specific Azure subscription. The App Registration is granted specific Role-based Access Control (RBAC) permissions for accessing the management plane. Cloud connector, located in Cloudneeti’s Azure subscription, is communicating with the management plane using App Registration credentials.

Office 365: The Cloudneeti application uses App Registration within Office 365 AD Tenant to access the meta-data. The App Registration is granted specific Role-based Access Control (RBAC) permissions for accessing the management plane. Cloud connector, located in Cloudneeti’s Azure subscription, is communicating with the management plane using App Registration credentials. For the Office 365 agent to collect the data, the agent requires Office 365 admin user ID and password (MFA with App Password). Cloudneeti connects to the agent using separate secure ID and credentials.

Access Permissions

Configuration Metadata

The Cloudneeti application collects cloud resource configurations metadata to compare them with cloud security best practices (security policies). The Cloudneeti application doesn’t collect any application or user data from the respective CSPs.

The table below provides a high-level overview of the metadata collected.

CSP Amazon Web Services Microsoft Azure Microsoft Office 365
Cloud accounts AWS Billing ID
AWS ID / AWS External ID roles
Azure subscription ID
Azure AD Tenant (ID, domain name)
Azure App Registration (encrypted)
Azure AD Tenant (ID, domain name)
Azure App Registration (encrypted)
Cloud Resource Configurations (meta-data) Resource name,id,Tags
AWS Resource and Property Types
AWS Resource attributes
Resource name,id
Resource groups
Azure Resource Providers and Types
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Resources meta-data
Azure AD Users (summary count)

Data Encryption

The data within Cloudneeti application is well protected using data encryption:

  • Data encryption at rest: The customer’s data is stored encrypted. Various cloud service components and encryption schemes (e.g. key vaults, AES symmetric key algorithms, higher-level cipher suites) are used. All backed up data is stored encrypted, and RBAC permissions are applied to the recovery team.

  • Data encryption in-transit: The TLS 1.2 encryption or higher is applied for encrypting data during transmission.

Data Access

The cloud account data are owned by the customer. Cloudneeti support team requires encryption keys with explicit permission from the customer to view the data. The following access control mechanisms are implemented:

  • Customer lockbox: Lockbox is a feature that ensures the Cloudneeti support team cannot access customer data to perform a service operation without explicit approval from the customer.

  • Data classification: A ‘Restricted’ data classification is applied to the metadata in the data store.

  • Data access: The production support team has access to the management plane at the data store level. They won’t have access to decrypt the configuration data unless a support request makes it necessary. Customers have to explicitly grant access to the support team to retrieve the data for a time-boxed period of time required for resolving a ticket.

  • Access control: All access requests are managed through Privileged Identity Management (PIM).

  • Access logging: The access transactions to application and data in the data store are stored and monitored in operation logs.

Data Privacy

Cloudneeti application does not store any cloud user information. It only collects user counts and IAM configurations. The only personal identifiable information (PII) stored in Cloudneeti application is Name and Email ID of the Cloudneeti application users.

CSP Amazon Web Services Microsoft Azure Microsoft Office 365
Cloud Users IAM user counts and configurations Counts (Configuration information processed but not stored) Counts (Configuration information processed but not stored)
Cloudneeti Application Users Name

The users provide an explicit consent for storing their personal data in Cloudneeti datastore. This consent request appears when the user is signing in to Cloudneeti application for the first time (see Sign In and Sign Out).

SOC 2 Type 1 Attestation

Cloudneeti’s data protection and operational processes were assessed by a third-party auditor and Cloudneeti received SOC 2 Type 1 attestation. The SOC 2 Type 1 report can be provided on request.

SOC 2 Type 1 Attestation