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Private Compliance Benchmark


Cloudneeti License Admin can create a Private Benchmark. Companies can use Private Benchmark to select security policies relevant for their organization. Private benchmark can be defined from individual security policies, but it can also be based on an existing compliance benchmark as a starting point and then modified as appropriate.

The following steps are done by Cloudneeti application License Admin role.

Configure Notifications

S. No. Step Portal to use Role
1 Create Private Benchmark Cloudneeti License Admin
2 Configure Private Benchmark Cloudneeti License Admin
3 Associate Private Benchmark with License(s) Cloudneeti License Admin
4 Collaborate with other License Admins Cloudneeti License Admin

STEP 1: Create and Update Private Benchmark

1.1 Create Private Benchmark

Add basic details for Private Benchmark.

  1. Click Configurations

  2. Navigate to Private Benchmarks

    Private Benchmarks

  3. Give Name, Title, Long Name, Logo and choose Connector Type for Benchmark to be created

    Private Benchmarks

    Note : Private Benchmark configuration can be done for one selected connector type only. chosen connector type only.

  4. Save and continue to configure the benchmark.

1.2 Update Private Benchmark

  1. Navigate to Private Benchmark page

  2. Click Update

    Private Benchmark

  3. Update benchmark long name, title logo and Save

    Private Benchmark

STEP 2 Configure Private Benchmark

Private Benchmark is configured by defining specific to this benchmark categories and security policies. Cloudneeti allows custom control ids for mapping policies into a category.

Repeat below steps to map, update categories and policies from baseline benchmarks.

2.1 Category Configuration

Private Benchmark can be configured by reusing existing categories from an existing benchmark (baseline benchmark) and/or by adding new categories.

2.1.1 Reuse existing categories

Select baseline benchmark to drag and drop existing categories

  1. Select Baseline Benchmark

  2. Drag and drop categories

    Private Benchmark

2.1.2 Adding new categories

  1. Click Add to create a new category

    Private Benchmark

  2. Enter Category Name

    Private Benchmark

  3. A category will be added in the Private Benchmark

    Private Benchmark

2.1.3 Update a category

  1. Click on edit icon

    Private Benchmark

  2. Update category name and click Save

    Private Benchmark

2.1.4 Remove a category

Click on bin icon to remove benchmark category. This will remove all the security policies (including control ids) mapped under this category.

Private Benchmark

2.2 Configure Control Numbers

2.2.1 Add control number

  1. Select category

  2. Click Add control number

    Private Benchmark

  3. Enter control number

    Private Benchmark

2.2.2 Update control id

Click on edit icon to update control id

Private Benchmark

Private Benchmark

2.2.3 Delete control id

Click on bin icon to delete control id, this will remove mapped policies within this control id.

Private Benchmark

2.3 Policy Configuration

2.3.1 Reuse existing security policies

  1. Select baseline benchmark

  2. Expand category to see existing secuirty policy within the baseline benchmark.

  3. Drag and drop security policies under desired control number.

    Private Benchmark

2.3.2 Update security policy

  1. Double click on mapped security policy

  2. Update security Policy title

    Private Benchmark

2.3.3 Remove policy

Use bin icon to removed mapped policy

Private Benchmark

STEP 3 Associate Private Benchmark with License(s)

Private Benchmark can be associated with License(s) where private benchmark feature is enabled.

Private Benchmark views and reports will be available for Cloud Accounts that match the selected connector type

3.1 Associate with an active License

Private benchmark need to be associated with specific Cloudneeti License(s). Private benchmark menu entry, views and reports will be available after a successful rescan.

  1. Navigate to Private Benchmark page

  2. Click Associate

    Private Benchmark

  3. Select and move license to section Associate with Licenses

    Private Benchmark Example : Move license Cloudneeti Demo and Cloudneeti Test to associate

  4. Click Save

    Private Benchmark

  5. Initiate a rescan for selected connector type cloud account in associated License

    Private Benchmark

  6. Benchmark summary page will appear on next successful scan

    Private Benchmark

STEP 4: Collaboration with users

License Admins can collaborate with other License Admins for configuring Private Benchmark and associating it with different Licenses. Added License Admins can do all the same operations (Edit, Collaborate, remove Collaboration, Associate and Disassociate) on Private Benchmarks as the License Admin who created Private Benchmark.

4.1 Add License Admins for Collaboration

License Admin can add License Admins of Licenses where Private Benchmark feature is enabled.

  1. Navigate to Private Benchmark page

  2. Click Collaborate

    Private Benchmark

  3. Select and move users to section Collaborate with to collaborate and move to Available for collaboration to remove collaboration.

    Private Benchmark

  4. Click Collaborate Now

    Private Benchmark