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Users and Roles

License Admins and Account Admins will have the rights to manage License users and Account users.

Select Settings on the left menu and click on Manage Accounts.

License Users

  1. Select relevant License
  2. Select License Users
  3. Click Add License Users to add new people as License Admin or License Reader
  4. Click on Waste Basket icon to remove an existing user
  5. Click on Edit icon to update details of an existing user License Users

  6. Add License User opens a page to enter Name, Email and Select Role of the new user. License Users

  7. After clicking the Waste Basket icon, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete License user. License Users
  8. Edit icon opens a page to update details of an existing user. License Users

Account Users

  1. Select relevant License

  2. Select Cloud Account

  3. Select Account Users

  4. Click Add Account Users to add new people as Account Admin or Account Reader

  5. Click Add User From Organization to add new people from corporate listing

  6. Click on Waste Basket icon to remove an existing account user

  7. Click on Edit icon to update details of an existing account user

    Account Users

  8. Add Account User opens a page to enter Email and Select Role of the new user.

    Account Users

  9. Add User From Organization opens a page to select a new user from the list.

    Account Users

  10. After clicking the Waste Basket icon, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete cloud account user.

Account Users

11.Edit icon opens a page to update details of an existing user.

Account Users