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Features and Quotas

Users will have access to Features and Quotas to review License configurations.

Select Configurations on the left menu and click on Features and Quotas.

  1. Select the required License from the dropdown menu

  2. Click Update to edit the License Name

  3. You can view the License Name, License ID, License Status, and License Type (incl. Expiration Date) in the left upper corner

  4. On the right upper side Enabled Cloud Connectors are shown

  5. License Features, the left bottom section, outlines configurations at a License level that were set at the time of License creation. Data Retention displays the configured time period for retaining the data after the License expires.

  6. The center bottom section Compliance Bundles displays enabled for this License compliance frameworks.

  7. The right bottom section Point of Contact lists the primary and secondary License Admin from the customer side and Cloudneeti points of contact for this License.

Features and Quotas

License Name

You can change the License Name and click Save.

License Name Update